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(System psychogenetics)

Presenter PhD, Prof. Shyrochyn ValeriiUA | RU | EN

Fundamentals of system psychogenetics in three books

Postulates system psychogenetics

The human brain

This is hyper-connected system processors of processing sensual and symbolic images, orientation and systematization of knowledge in decision making.

Human DNA

The genetic code is a deeply archived installation program synthesis hyper-connected protein compounds, including neural networks of the brain.

A man and a woman

This are open biological software systems as a result of many milion-year-old information relic-technology of genetic coding of a new life.

Subject of research system psychogenetics

Architectonics multikartoid (multiprocessor) organization of the brain (consciousness, superconsciousness and subconsciousness) and hypercomputer for decision making

Spiral transfer superconscious, conscious and subconscious in the knowledge of life and motivated boys and girls, youngsters, men and women

Properties of the genetic code, including the generation of trust or distrust of mothers and children, men and women, and other social relations

The new provisions of the system psychogenetics

The concept of seven processor bus and functional organization of the brain as the three contour and six-channels of the system for situation analysis and decision making

Periodic Law of genetic change (transfer) motivations in knowledge and change social and age phases of development and degradation of intelligence of men and women

Life is determined by the motivation of confidence in neuro structures brain mother and baby both the genetic basis of all creeds in search of an all-powerful and all loving God.

Certain natural axioms the system psychogenetics

Period of mature work of man is so short, and the number of wise men who have gained relevant knowledge, so small that the progress in the knowledge of the man himself, his mind and soul, little visible even for thousands of years!

Truth does not depend on either the majority or the minority. It has a unique feature: the truth is eternal (everlasting), and no matter how much it may hide or distort, it will speak out again and again, because its source is always before us. Watch and see.

Culture and civilization of a society is determined by inherited psychogenetically human abilities to perceive harmony and order in the whole of reality. Invisible psychogenetically heritage can not buy, confiscate or ban!

© System psychogenetics | Presenter PhD, Prof. Shyrochyn Valerii | Site developer Webmarker